Jim Donnelly
The current stage of my artistic life started with arrival of COVID 19.
Working as an IT Architecture consultant to the world’s major airlines came to a not unexpected end with the start of the pandemic. I had been photographing live music around Europe for some time and creating artwork and imagery for bands who are often not as famous as I think they are. Living in Amble, Northumberland, for nearly thirty years I felt that as a self-adopted Northumbrian I had an idea of how I wanted to capture the world around me. I often describe where I live as ‘east of the land, west of the sea’, and that is my real inspiration.
I continue to photograph live music, create album covers, band shoots and book covers as well developing my own practice of fine art photography.
I have been published in most of the major music magazines, national and local press (including the Guardian and the Irish Times). I am currently closely involved in setting up art exhibitions and driving the cultural life of Amble and its surrounding area.
I am artistic director of my own company anaXa Images, I am a director of Northumberland Theatre Company, I am also a director of the newly formed Dovecote Street Arts and the creative consultant to the Alnwick Story Fest.