Flash Fiction

The Abyss Of Nothingness

On the edge of the abyss of nothingness where freedom rarely gets the better of reason. And reason is only dictated to by the hand of time.

A being that travels the extent of the universe and has not encountered the abyss is a breath on the voice of fortune. The abyss is here, always on the horizon. No one has ever challenged it or questioned its contradictions. It is a mountain that you cannot climb. It is the collection of your memories and their nemesis, where those haunted memories substantiate it's nothingness, give heart to it's heartlessness. It is the universe within a universe.

The escape pod cruised gently into the, as yet, uncharted system. A system of five planets and a G type star. As it entered the system the pod made an automatic adjustment and headed for the nearest of the two planets that were capable of supporting life. The autonomic functions would allow it to enter the planets atmosphere and land near to a source of both food and water.

The two occupants of the craft were oblivious to these manoeuvrings, they were both locked into a deep stasis field. Unaware of anything other than nothing. As the escape pod touched down they were gently lifted from their abyss of nothingness. They were changed men.

The lights in the craft slowly came on, measured carefully against the occupants level of wakefulness. When they were fully conscious the craft loosed their restraining straps and the main door gently opened. Talk was no longer necessary between them. They climbed the gangway to the exit.

The air was sweet and its silence was weighted with nothingness. The two men turned to face each other and screamed in utter forlorn silence.