Flash Fiction

Mary Lamb's Soul

Mary Lamb, that was what everybody called her. Not Mary, not Miss Lamb. Always Mary Lamb. Mary Lamb was born with the death of Queen Victoria's dear Prince Albert and grew up in those black years of mourning.

All through her short life penury and dreariness were her constant companions. Even her death in January 1888 was immediately covered by a dramatic fall of snow and freezing temperatures. Being the first victim of the notorious Jack who ripped from his victims something precious, she should have at least become known. In the case of Mary Lamb that Jack ripped from her the only thing she really owned, her soul.

No one knows how he did it but Jack stored Mary Lamb's soul away in a secured tin receptacle carefully concealed inside a common, every day cardboard box and further hidden in a brick wall.

It is said that the box has never been found.