Flash Fiction
The minor extinction event had happened over two decades ago. In the October of ’14. It had not been reported by any mainstream media outlet. It was of no interest. It was only reported in one science journal, by one junior biologist, six months after the event. Three months after the publication the junior biologist was killed in a cycling accident. His head was taken from his body by an ill placed road sign.
There was no follow up. No follow up meant there was shock and puzzlement when there was a dramatic fall in the planet wide number of bees, and some time after that an extreme increase in all spider types across the globe. No follow up meant there were no connections made, a lot of time wasted. A minor event ignored meant a major event could start, unobserved.
The spider population grew exponentially. Spider size grew with the population. Food sources for the growing populations became, very quickly, human.
Homo Sapiens had no answer. I have no answer. I am probably alone. This is my Omega address: Let nothing go unnoticed.