Flash Fiction
The immaculate white village rested against the pale brown backdrop of the sun splayed hillside. The inhabitants of this village, it’s name refused to translate murmured in anticipation.
Tonight a select few would be inebriate with…, again there is no translation.
The woman, who was now old, an incredible age, conducted the ceremony with a dignity and a calm uncertainty. She blessed the three gathered young, eager women and then the prepared food. As the clock approached midday they ate the ground testis sprinkled lightly over a green salad and moderate dressing. Outside, even for midday at the height of summer, the temperature soared briefly beyond the accepted norm. And for that moment the young women appeared as ice. The striking of clocks broke the spell and they completed their most unusual repast.
Having eaten they now became an elite, they would live a lifetime longer than most and reproduce continually, they were the future.
Picasso’s Knob