Flash Fiction

They lived directly beneath the flight path of a rainbow and yet they always worried. For most, living in such a fortuitous venue would be a dream, but not for them. They worried. They worried about pots of gold, they worried about catchgirls digging their beautiful garden landscape. They worried from the point of view as if they were as of a rainbow. They worried about the clouds. They were forlorn concerning the sun.

And then, as if to justify all their concerns came, what has become known to all history since as Rainbow Autumn. That was the autumn that there were more rainbows than had ever been known. To be truthful it wasn’t all autumn just most of September.

When all the rainbows had been calculated and pondered upon it became clear that their fortuitously situated house, silhouetted against the pattern left by the multitude of rainbow, portrayed a magnificent mind spanning image. Their garden became a Mecca for catchgirls, sun and rain worshippers alike and they were never able to leave again for fear of being overrun.

Rainbow Worriers