Flash Fiction

The Last Train

The train rattled and shook. The few passengers, three in total, held tight to their seats. It was cold as well. Where a window had cracked, wind and snow forced their way into the carriage. The engine struggled to pull its train up a slight incline, slipping against the ice on the tracks.

In the carriage, the passengers who had started the journey as far apart from each other as feasible, by some unconscious decision gathered at the mid most point. They were strangers brought together by fear. A fear that they wouldn't make their destination.

Steel screeched on steel. The weather suddenly ceased. The train had entered a tunnel. The carriage lights flickered frantically. In the middle of the tunnel the train slowed to a stop. There was creaking and groaning and then silence. There was intermittent light, and then black. Then screams. Then silence.