Flash Fiction
In the offices of a big, big business a report would be sent from one office to the next. When it arrived it was stamped, retitled and sent on. Eventually, because of the cyclic nature of these things, the report would be sent back to the office where it had started. In this case it would either be disposed of, dependent on its new title, or sent to the office of someone important and they took it by hand to the office from where it had originated. Those were the rules.
However, the new recruit to the report writing office wrote a report so succinct, so accurate that it couldn’t be retitled and passing it on seemed fruitless, pointless in the extreme. As the report was never passed on someone important never got to see it but, they most certainly heard about the commotion it caused.
Someone important summoned the new recruit to his office on the topmost floor. A heated discussion ensued. After ten minutes of toing and froing no decision was reached about the report, it was consigned to the dustbin. But a decision was made about the new recruit. He would be in charge of a newly formed office. He would be someone of importance.
The New Someone