Flash Fiction
Brad Pitt is a time traveller. He puts on a disguise, gets into his time machine and moves freely back and forward throughout time. I know this because I have seen him. The last time that was I conscious of making myself known to him was at a free concert in Köln in 1973 given by the avant-garde german group Can. He was sat at the side of the stage wearing a very effective beard and dark glasses hoping that no one would notice him. I did, I spoke to him. I asked him if he knew where the river ran. He looked at me askance. Then he smiled and whispered in my ear that the band were doing a pretty good impression of a flowing river. I laughed and he left. I have not seen him since then but my friend the dowser has, he met him at a royal wedding for a Tzar of Russia, he was wearing a beard that time as well.
Wear Me A Beard