This set of haiku were writtenwhilst travelling around Holland in April, 2019. I travelled from Amsterdam to Delft, Rotterdam and The Hague.
Imagine no buildings
Trees as far the eye can see
Broken only by sky
Crossing strange borders
Speaking in unfamiliar tongues
The birds are the same
Blossom blows freely
Gathering by isolation
In lovely ghettos
Pink succumbs to white
The sun burns the day away
Rose tinted mem'ries
Bold with colours
Around every hidden bend
Forgetting childhood
Long, far, horizon
Hedgerows, canals, spires and space
The lowlands in spring
A path by a brook
A bridge, arched to let all pass
The bark of a dog
Delft, after the rain
Slick red herringbone cobbles
Echoes of the past
River and landscape
Cut a path to Babylon
Church and state divide