Into the Borders 2021

This set of haiku were written during a summer bus trip to Melrose in the the Scottish borders.

Tartan dressed cowboys

Down from the three Eildon Hills

Market square heroes


Twisted Tweed, blue line

Route of the debated land

Walked but untrodden

Warring yellow gorse

Militant rough legged heather

Let battle commence

Fallen warriors

Leafless giants stand no more

Broken memories


Noble Scottish pine

Long buried heart of the Bruce

Jewel of Melrose


Golden sandstone built

Scott's baronial home

Sleepy Abottsford


Braw on Gun Knowe loch

Upright trees bathe wooden feet

Wild white swans gather


Jackdaw, Crow, Magpie

Nest lining sticks, greet the dawn

Honey Buzzard cries